Hey! My name is Nitin Pandey.
I am a web developer
based in India

I’ve been working as a web developer for a few months now, and I’m passionate about everything that goes into making websites work well and look beautiful. The web is my passion because it’s where I can find the most exciting projects to work on. It’s also where I get to express my creativity in ways that are hard to find elsewhere. I have leart front skills like html, css, js, reactjs, tailwind css and backend skills like node.js, express.js, database like mongo db. I am interested in learning new skills regularly in future i will defenitely learn making crazy animated websites which is the future of web development.


Spotify Clone

Apple Music Clone  


This is a Web Developement Project based on a music listening site Apple Music. In this i just cloned the Home Page of Apple Music.You can check out this site by clicking on button below.

Simon Says



This is a game made up of html, css and javascript.It is a memory game played by players.You can ejoy this game.You can check out this game by clicking on button below.




This is a farming related website made by me.In this site you can search about various crops and their details very easily.It has user friendly UI.You can check out this site.



The HyperText Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup language for web design.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation.


JS, is a programming language that is one of the core technologies use for web dev also.

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